Friday, November 21, 2014

Mooney Brings New Trainer into the Game

     The Mooney aircraft company, a Chinese owned, American based manufacture was founded in 1929. Since their introduction, Mooney created some of the fastest, most efficient aircraft in the 70s-80s. Their claimed specialty tail designs such as their V-tails and forward swept tails brought them into the light. The Mooney company went bankrupt for a long period of time before coming back this year. When they came back, they did it right; their first plane in production when they came back was the fastest production piston plane in the world. On the other end of the speed spectrum, Mooney recently released a new trainer aircraft onto the market. In the last 45 years, the Cessna 150 has been the premier trainer for almost all student pilots. Many companies have tried hard to replace the 150, but with high prices and almost no advantage, they have failed. The new Mooney may, or may not work well as a trainer, only time can tell a plane's value.
Mooney M10T
      The new Mooney M10T is critiqued as to having a cheap engine for an expensive plane. The plane incorporates carbon fiber, digital avionics, and composite technology but people are saying it uses a cheap diesel engine. Mooney chose the diesel engine because it is not as loud, fuel efficient, and jet/diesel fuel is much cheaper. People however, are saying that they should have used a standard Lycoming engine since they are much more reliable and are known for lasting more than 60 years.
The M10T Has Amazing Avionics For a Trainer Aircraft
      The Mooney M10T is supposed to be released in 2017 to the public market. Mooney wants to have a mix of American and Chinese consumers purchase this aircraft.

Friday, November 14, 2014

China Unveils New FC-31 Stealth Fighter at Air show

     This Thursday, the 13 of November, China unveiled it's newest technological achievement at an air show in China. The new "stealth fighter" is most likely created to compete with the US Air Force F-22 Raptor, if a war ever broke out. Aviation experts are actually strongly opposing the jet though. In a statement made by Reuben F. Johnson, a correspondent for Jane's Defense Weekly, he stated "it is impossible to tell just how "stealthy" it is without knowing how it was built". Johnson also said that the plane performs very poorly, it looses lots of energy in turns, and looses altitude quickly. He believes that if weapons were added, it would only perform worse. 
USAF F-22 Raptor
The FC-31 Looks Very Similar To The USAF F-22
           Many people believe that China was strictly building the FC-31 to compete with the new F-22 and F-35 USAF fighters. Since they were building them to compete, they also built it to look just like them. Many people believe that China copied Lockeed Martin's F-22 design to build the FC-31. Though they may look alike, the F-22 has technology that will last for at least 30 years and remain dominant. The FC-31 is known to fly very poorly and does not perform anywhere near as well as the F--22. Below is a video of the F-22 Raptor, the American competitor of China's new fighter.