Friday, January 23, 2015

Boeing 737, The Many Variants

         Since the mid 1960's, the Boeing 737 has been one of the premier airliners of the sky. With advancements in almost every aspect of the jet, this jet remains Boeing's #1 sold aircraft. Even with all of Boeing's newer, larger, more efficient airliners, the 737 dominates the Boeing market by about 5x more than any other aircraft. Of their total orders this year (1,432), the 737 has been 1,104 of those orders. People might wonder why the 737; one of Boeing's oldest jets, remains at the top. The key to the 737's success has been it's modifications over the years.
Lineup of 737s
       The 737 has been one of the most produced airliners in history. The key to this success has been modifying the original popular jet to fit almost any circumstance. With about 5 classes of 737 produced in history, and countless variations to those, the 737 can handle almost anything it receives. From freight to rowdy passengers, the 737 was build to handle it all. So many of these jumbo jets were produced, that at any given time period, there are about 1,250 737's in the air.
      Although the 737 is one of Boeing's oldest airliners, it has been varied and changed so much to the point where it is a completely different plane from the prototype. From more efficient engines, to composite technologies, the 737 has been a completely different aircraft. Even though it was designed for passenger use, this jumbo jet has been varied to carry freight and even military variants have been created to do aerial refueling and submarine scouting. The 737, one of Boeing's original airlines has become their most popular. If you turn your head to the sky, odds are you will see a Boeing 737 soaring high above.

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